The Firm
Iuris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vive, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere (Eneus Domitius Ulpianus) / The rules of law are these: to live honestly, not to harm others, to give to each his due (Eneo Domizio Ulpiano)
Founded by the lawyer and notary Franco Pio Ferrari in 1967 in Bellinzona, the Firm has always been characterized by a particular attention to the local reality of Switzerland and Ticino, opening itself up more and more over the decades to the legal assistance of clients in transnational matters. The Firm continues the tradition of its founder through his sons, lawyer Mattia Alessandro Ferrari and lawyer Chiarella Rei-Ferrari, following his high principles of honesty, diligence and correctness. Strengthened by these principles, the Firm has opened up with the same conviction also to new fields of law, constantly updating itself to the evolution of the economic and social reality that characterizes our times. In particular, the Firm has expanded its skills by dedicating itself with great determination to face new challenges, always maintaining unchanged its traditional attention and the quality dedicated to its clients.

No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main (John Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Death's Duel, 1624) / No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main (John Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Death's Duel, 1624)
Legal Ferrari Rei is characterized by teamwork aimed at drawing on the specific skills of each member of the team to guarantee the client a targeted and tailor-made solution. Each member of the Firm collaborates under the constant supervision of the managing partners, Mattia A. Ferrari and Chiarella Rei-Ferrari, each in his or her main field of activity.

Ab amicis honesta petamus, amicirum causa honesta faciamus, ne expectemus quidem, dum rogemur; studium semper adsit, cunctatio absit; consilium vero dare audeamus libera (Marcus Tuillius Cicero, De Amicitia, 44 BC) / We must make only honest requests to our friends, carry out only honest actions for our friends without waiting to be asked for them, always show ourselves available and never hesitant, have the courage to give freely express one's opinion (Marcus Tullius Cicero, On friendship, 44 BC)
The firm is located in via Alberto di Sacco 8, in the centre of Bellinzona, a few steps from the FFS station. The lawyers and collaborators are happy to provide any necessary information. Please contact the firm by phone or email to make an appointment.
Legal Ferrari Rei
Via Alberto di Sacco 8
CP 1036
6500 Bellinzona - Switzerland
Opening hours
Mon - Fri
8:30 – 18:00