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Chiarella Rei-Ferrari

Who I am

My name is Chiarella Rei-Ferrari and I was born on February 29, 1956. Originally from Lodrino, I live in Bellinzona; I am married and have two children.


After graduating from high school in Bellinzona, I began studying law at the University of Zurich, where I obtained my license in May 1981. I obtained my lawyer's license in the Canton of Ticino in May 1984. After having worked in the family firm for several years, I became the owner in 1990, practicing as an independent lawyer.


For several years I have been active as a legal consultant in the field of LAV (Law on Assistance to Victims).


I was a member of the Federal Customs Appeals Commission and the Federal Labor Commission.

I was President of the Cantonal Conciliation Office for Gender Equality.


I was elected President of the Ticino Canton Bar Association for the two-year period 1999/2000 - the first woman to hold this position in the OATI.


I was appointed by the Grand Council of the Canton of Ticino as a substitute judge of the Court of Appeal for the first time on 1 June 1992, then reconfirmed in 2002 and finally in 2008. In this capacity, I first collaborated with the II Civil Chamber of the Court of Appeal, then for over 10 years as an ordinary substitute judge at the Cantonal Criminal Court; from 2014 to 2024 I was a substitute judge at the Court of Appeal and Criminal Review.


In addition to my legal activity, over the years I have devoted my attention and dedication to various cultural, social and political fields, as a member of the Fondazione Teatro Sociale di Bellinzona and the Fondazione Istituto Von Mentlen di Bellinzona, as president of various associations including the Associazione Triangolo, active in the oncology field, and the Fondo solidarietà mamme e bambino. I am also an active member of Soroptimist International.

In short

Professional associations

Swiss Bar Association (FSA)
Bar Association of the Canton of Ticino (OATi)



Deputy Judge of the Court of Appeal (1992)
Admission to the Bar, Canton Ticino (1984)
Law Degree, University of Zurich (1982)




Practice Areas

Family law : consultancy in all areas of personal and family law, with particular reference to separation and divorce procedures and related agreements, filiation law, adoption law and procedures regarding domicile and naturalization permits; assistance and litigation before all civil jurisdictions, including regional protection authorities;


Successions : succession law and estate and tax planning, including the establishment of Swiss foundations and other legal entities;


Contract law : national and international contracts, consultancy and conclusion of contracts in compliance with Swiss and foreign administrative and insurance aspects; assistance and litigation before all jurisdictions, in particular in matters of labor law;


Bankruptcy and enforcement : advice and assistance in all areas relating to bankruptcy and insolvency in the context of judicial or extra-judicial procedures, at national and international level;


International law : advice and assistance in matters of European and international law, in particular in family law cases with transnational aspects and international child abduction.

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