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Practice Areas

Since it is never with the Völkern der Erde einmal durchgängig überhand genommenen (engeren oder weiteren) Gemeinschaft so weit gekommen ist, daß die Rechtsverletzung an einem Platz der Erde an allen gefühlt wird (Immanuel Kant, Zum ewigen Frieden, 1795) / Siccome now the common relations, more or less close, of the Peoples among themselves have progressed so much, the offense done to the law in one place is felt equally in all (Immanuel Kant, For perpetual peace, 1795).

The philosophy of the Ferrari Rei Law Firm is to apply the law according to a global approach: the client is at the center of our attention from every legal perspective. The Firm provides advice and assistance to resolve any legal problem already in the extrajudicial phase. However, if a judicial procedure proves necessary, the dispute is managed in an effective, determined and rapid manner. Among the fields of legal practice, the Firm has gained a characteristic experience in the following matters:

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